
In this section you will find the videos of my reconstructions of the Roman town of Ostia. The Ostia Antica Park is one of the largest and most important italian archaeological sites of the ancient Rome. With his fifty hectares, its buildings and its streets, it testifies the development of a large urban and commercial center during the imperial age. Ostia was the most important port of the antiquity, the gate of Rome on the Mediterranean sea.

This ancient roman town is located at the mouth of the Tiber, hence its name: in fact ‘ostium‘ in latin means ‘mouth of the river’. It was a quite large town and for its importance and extension it was called ‘the second Rome’.

I have visited the town many times during my life and each time I was amazed by its monuments, its mosaics, its architecture. I have projected myself in a imaginary world, trying to picture the buildings around me. This reconstruction is the product of my researches and long study of the roman architecture that ended up with the modeling of a huge 3d model (around 15 million of polygons) representing the whole town – and part of the neighborhood.